11 Types of Texting Behavior That Show a Person Is Lying to You - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Tuesday 15 January 2019

11 Types of Texting Behavior That Show a Person Is Lying to You

People think that it is easier to tell lies while texting. In this case, we don’t have to look an interlocutor in the eyes, and we don’t see each other’s facial expressions, confusion, or fear. We don’t have to respond immediately, and we can think of a better response.
Despite all these advantages, it is easy to spot a liar.
Psychology Today Article with the help of Bright Side gives you a list of examples that may help you to detect lies. Remember these so that nobody can make a fool out of you.

1. Long sentences

A liar subconsciously tries to hide his lies between the lines. The research of Cornell University proved that a false sentence is usually longer than a true one. When the subjects had to tell lies, their sentences became one word longer on average.

2. Tricky wording

A liar would tend to use words expressing probability and insecurity in order not to talk directly. He probably doesn’t want to hurt you, but he doesn’t want to do what you ask either. During research, women who had to lie frequently used such words as “probably,“ ”try," and “I.” It is curious that the scientists didn’t track any difference in the words that men used in these situations.

3. Repeating information

Convincing you is the primary task of a liar. All is fair in love and war, which is why he or she can repeat lies over and over again until you believe them. People say, "Repeat a lie a thousand times, and it becomes the truth." Stay attentive, and you won’t let anyone cheat on you.

4. A delay before responding

If your interlocutor doesn’t respond for a long time, who knows what’s going on. Maybe he is busy or didn’t see the text. However, sometimes it can be a sign that this person needs a break to figure out what to say. A potential liar can also pause to decide whether to lie or tell the truth.

5. Long typing

If your interlocutor normally doesn’t text in long well-edited passages, this may seem suspicious. He or she might be correcting their message to make it more convincing.

6. No answer at all

Concealment is a type of lie. It is way easier to skip the answer while texting. Or a person can just go offline. In another case, a person may just change the topic and return to the previous conversation, hoping that nobody notices the absence of a direct answer.

7. Calling to conscience

People are very vulnerable beings. Ill-wishers use this quality and play on our emotions. Some liars do it to make us feel guilty and stop asking questions they don’t like. They often succeed, and you immediately become guilty. Try to notice such situations, and don’t let anyone make a fool of you.

8. Finger pointing

This is another way to play on someone’s emotions. In this case, a liar holds control over the situation. He asks us questions and makes us feel embarrassed and in need of justifying ourselves. That’s why all good journalists never respond to the questions of their interviewees because this is a good way to distract a person.

9. Sounding out the variants

To stay on the safe side, a liar might test your reaction first. What if somebody gets angry upon finding out the truth? In this case, a liar is again ready to take control of the situation. It’s you who has to respond, not him. Don’t let him change the topic and manage the situation.

10. Playing possum

This is one of the most popular tricks. It is used to gain time for an answer. A liar hopes that you will forget about the problem and leave him alone. If you try to be pushier with such people, they will most likely ignore you or attack you. The only thing they are afraid of is the law, and this is the only way to deal with them.

11. Complaining

Do you remember the way you faked a stomachache to skip school? Many people use this trick when they grow older. Who is going to "bully" a poor sick thing? Meanwhile, the poor sick thing gets more time to think.
If people respond to your questions in one of these ways, it means that they probably don’t want to deal with you. If you are not bound by any financial or business relations, just refuse to talk to such people.
Share this article with your family and friends to secure their life too!

Source: Brightside.me

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