How did I accomplish the challenge? - Vinod Senthil - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Wednesday 23 January 2019

How did I accomplish the challenge? - Vinod Senthil

Doing something that people say you can't is the real challenge. Vinod Senthil, an Ethical Hacker and founder of InfySEC shares his life experiences and about the moments that challenged him to achieve something great in Life. He talks about how to convert the discouragement to encouragement for achieving success in Life. He dedicates this talk to his son Harry and Mayu who means the world to him. If you would like to write to him, his contact details are : FB: Linkedin: Email: In this video, He shares his inspirational story of how he is inspiring many people through his story motivating to never give up achieve success in life. His motivational talk on his life story on believing in dreaming big and to stay focused on the higher goal that one day it will be achieved. His success story will surely impact people from all the fields. Watch one of the best Tamil motivational videos in Psychology Today Article , that would inspire many people in Tamil Nadu and also the Tamil people living around the world. Tamil movies and Tamil film industry have impacted and brought in Tamil motivation through many stories but this story of Mr. World Champion not just gives the answer to change your perspective on Utilizing every opportunity for better living but also learnings that anyone can follow to believe in you and your goals. This story will help you to plan on a simple way to begin the process of possibility within you and also will help to battle your impossibilities. This Tamil motivation talk will change your Life and not just intrudes with inspiration but also will make you start executing the plans that you have made to achieve both short-term and longtime changes that you expect for a better Life in the society.

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