12 Shocking Habits of Successful People - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Thursday 17 January 2019

12 Shocking Habits of Successful People

Have you ever wondered what makes some people more successful than others? Maybe it’s luck but it's more likely they practice habits for success that anyone, including you, are capable of doing.

Consider trying these habits for success:
  • Waking up earlier. Adding an hour to your day by waking up an hour earlier can make you more conscientious and optimistic.
  • Eating a healthy breakfast every day. This will give you the fuel your body needs for energy and help you keep focused during the day.
  • Have a task that you are dreading on your to-do list? Getting it done first thing in the morning will help improve your productivity by saving yourself from stressing and agonizing over it all day.
  • Exercising in your free time. An active body leads to an active mind. Make time to exercise whether it is in the morning, evening or on the weekends.
  • Practicing an attitude of gratitude. Be less focused on what you may be missing and more focused on being in the present and enjoying the moment where you are.
  • Taking time to reflect on your day, every day. Keep a journal of your thoughts, successes, failures and the lessons you have learned. Review your journal each weekend.
  • Giving back to your community. Volunteer for causes and organizations you feel strongly about, and especially help those who are less fortunate than you are.
  • Being comfortable being by yourself. Scheduling some “me-time” each day can give you an opportunity to be alone with your thoughts to reflect and replenish your energy.
  • Staying persistent. Don’t give up or stress when you encounter a bump in the road, persistence can often be the difference between success and failure.
  • Having a good sense of self-awareness. Know your strengths, weaknesses, limits and never underestimate yourself.
  • Knowing when to say no to things that don’t matter or add value to your life or career. If you say 'yes' to everything, your 'no' means nothing. 
  • Being disciplined and practicing self-control and avoid letting your emotions get the best of you. Visualize your goals and stick to them. Practice self-control like it's a muscle you can strengthen with frequent use over time. 
By adopting some of the above habits of successful people, you can work toward achieving your own success.

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