10 pieces of advice on how to get in shape from professional ballerinas - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Friday, 1 February 2019

10 pieces of advice on how to get in shape from professional ballerinas

Many of us believe that having a toned body is a synonym for being healthy and beautiful. But for professional ballet dancers staying slim and toned is an essential condition for a successful career. It’s no wonder that professional dancers are considered to be real experts in the field of nutrition and physical exercises. We here at Psychology Today Articles with the help of Bright Side have studied some famous Russian ballerinas and collected useful tips to help you get in shape.

1. Soup is a main course, and there’s no such thing as a full-course dinner.

If you want to become light like a feather, you’ll have to cut down the amount of food you eat. It’s a great idea to exclude dough and salt from your diet and to include more veggies. Don’t try too hard, though — keep your diet natural and balanced, otherwise you can end up breaking down and satisfying your cravings for sweets.

2. You have to know which products are really good for your health.

Nutritional specialists and dieting experts vote for salmon, almonds, olives, avocados, and bell peppers. They assure you that if you include these products in your diet, you’ll soon feel more energetic.

3. The best way to stretch is to read while doing the splits.

You don’t have to perform a full leg split if you can’t really do it. Sit down with your legs stretched as widely as possible and read your favorite book. You can also try watching a new TV show.

4. Keep a food diary.

You’ll feel guilty every time you have to confess another donut incident to your diary. So keeping records may reduce your consumption of yummy stuff.

5. If you want those slender ballerina legs, get ready to work hard.

10 pieces of advice on how to get in shape from professional ballerinas
Burn calories with a jump rope workout for at least 3 minutes a day. Turn on your favorite music, and start jumping! You can also try a simple plié: stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Point your toes outwards, and lower yourself into a sitting position. Keep your weight on your heels. The results won’t disappoint you.

6. Drink more water.

It’s absolutely necessary to drink plenty of water. If you tend to forget about it, then put bottles of water all around the places where you work, sleep, and rest. Put a bottle of water in your purse or backpack in the morning. If you don’t like the taste of drinking water, you can add some flavor. You can try putting some berries or apple slices into the bottle.

7. Stop slouching already!

Beautiful posture will make you visually slimmer. It’s a good idea to buy a posture corrector in a drugstore and perform exercises for strengthening your spine.

8. Don’t let yourself get bored.

No matter if you take ballet classes or join a gym, as soon as you get bored you will abandon your training. Try to combine and experiment with different things, and turn your workout session into a fun activity. For example, try to attend a hip-hop class today, a yoga class tomorrow, and then take a swimming session — thus your pursuit of a slender silhouette won’t turn into a boring routine.

9. Get into character.

Buy a nice tutu, a bodysuit, or a pair of leggings. If you go to the gym, you will be sorry not to wear them, and maybe you’ll feel more motivated.

10. Learn to balance even when you’re in the subway.

Position your feet into a shoulder-width-apart stance and don’t hold the handrail. Another great way to work on your sense of balance and tighten the legs and buttocks at the same time is to exercise using a fit ball.

Source: Brightside.me

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