Are you wondering where to go to reduce or eliminate those dark spots on your face? If you’ve had too much sun exposure then you can most likely blame that for those dark spots, known as hyperpigmentation. But here’s the thing, it’s not just external factors that cause those frustrating dark spots on your face and body. Aging, acne, pregnancy, prescription medication and hormonal imbalances are some of the other culprits.We all have been there when our skin has been our best friend, glowing away to glory and our worst enemy, leaving behind some spots and making us wonder how do we remove these spots from the face? So, when it comes to thinking of how to remove spots from the face, the first thing we need to do is understand these spots. Because if we try to remove spots from the face without first understanding them, we may end up damaging our skin or may end up with our skin being as it is without any change. So let's start by identifying what these spots are, how long back did they come on our face, and how are we going to remove spots from the face. And if at this point you are confused with how to go about it, then don't worry. We have provided you with a comprehensive guide to remove spots from the face.
How to Remove Dark Spots on Face and Neck
Natural Remedies
1. Aloe Vera Gel
- Apply aloe vera juice or natural aloe vera gel directly to the dark spots for 30 minutes in the morning and evening.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
- Mix equal quantities of apple cider vinegar and water in a bowl. Stir well and apply on the dark spots.
- You can also trying mix a few drops of lemon juice with the vinegar.
- Another recipe is to combine 3 tablespoon of orange juice and ½ tablespoon of vinegar.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
3. Buttermilk
- Apply buttermilk to dark spots and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- If you have oily skin or suffering from acne add a little lemon or lime juice.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
4. Castor Oil
Rub a little oil with Qtip on the dark spots in the morning and in the evening.
5. Horseradish
- Apply horseradish paste on the skin for 15 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- Repeat 2 to 3 times a week.
If you want a more aggressive remedy combine one piece of grated horseradish 4-5 inches long and ½ a cup of apple cider vinegar in a glass jar. Mix well and leave for 2 weeks, shaking the mixture once a day. After two weeks, apply to your dark spots three times a day for one month. Place in the refrigerator.
6. Hydrogen Peroxide
- Combine 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1 teaspoon of milk in a glass bowl.
- Dip cotton pad or Q-tip in the bowl and apply to dark spots.
- Leave on for 15 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
7. Garbanzo Beans
- Combine a can of mashed chickpeas and 1/3 of water.
- Apply paste to dark spots.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- Repeat daily.
8. Lemons
- Cut a slice of lemon and gently apply on the affected area for 10 minutes, morning and evening.
- If you have sensitive skin combine 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of water or rose water in a glass bowl. Dip your cotton pad and apply it to the skin.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- You’ll see a difference in lightness within two months.
9. Papaya
- Peel and remove the seeds from a green papaya.
- Next, use a blender or food processor until it forms into a paste.
- Leave on your face and neck for 20-30 minutes in the morning and before going to bed.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
Alternatively we also recommend Pure Fiji’s Exfoliating Scrub to refresh and brighten your delicate facial skin with the freshest of tropical ingredients. This gentle and natural scrub eases away impurities, removes dead skin cells and unblocks pores with the power of Pineapple and Papaya enzymes. Then vitamin-rich coconut crème nourishes newly revealed skin for a brighter and younger looking complexion. Can be used on acne prone skin.
10. Parsley
- Combine 1 cup chopped parsley, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and 1 tablespoon yogurt in a glass bowl. Mix well.
- Apply mask to face, neck and chest for 15 minutes then rinse.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- Repeat twice a week.
11. Sandalwood
- Combine 1 teaspoon sandalwood powder, 1 teaspoon orange zest, and orange juice as needed. Mix ingredients together in a bowl.
- Add enough orange juice until you get a smooth paste.
- Apply to your face and neck.
- Leave on for 15 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
- Repeat 1 to 2 times a week.
12. Turmeric
- Combine 2 tablespoon rice water, 2 tablespoon flour, and 1 teaspoon turmeric in a glass bowl. Mix well.
- Dip Q-tip on the bowl and dab on to dark spots.
- Leave on for 20 minutes.
- Rinse with lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
1. Understand Before Trying To Remove Spots From Face
2. Remove Spots From Face Due To Acne
3. Remove Freckles From Face
4. Spots Due To Age
5. Spots Due To Melasma
2. Remove Spots From Face Due To Acne
3. Remove Freckles From Face
4. Spots Due To Age
5. Spots Due To Melasma
Understand Before Trying To Remove Spots From Face
There are various reasons that you could get spots on your face. We can widely classify unwanted spots on face under freckles, acne scars, injury scars, age spots and Melasma. Freckles are our skin's natural reaction to sunlight and may start appearing from a younger age. Acne scars are the ones that are left behind when we pop a pimple or after the acne subsides. Age spots are darker, and they start appearing on our skin as we grow older. Scars that you get through injury and bruises can also leave their permanent unwanted stamp on our skin. And lastly, Melasma is the pigmentation that appears on the skin as dark brown patches.
Tip: The best way to combat all these spots is to develop good skincare habit!
Remove Spots From Face Due To Acne

Image: 123rf
Aloe vera is an excellent way to fight acne scars. Take a fresh aloe vera leaf, scoop the aloe from it. Apply it on your face, leave it for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse your face with water and pat it dry. Do this every day to avoid acne and give a hydration boost to your skin.

Image: Pixabay
If you already have a few acne scars, then lemon is an excellent bleaching agent for our skin. Apply fresh lemon to your scars with your fingertips or your cotton bud. Leave it for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash it off with some warm water and pat it dry. Repeat this once a day and say goodbye to those scars. You can also mix lemon juice with vitamin E oil to get rid of the scars faster.
Tip: If you notice a small red bump on your face, then that is the beginning of acne. You can apply tea tree oil on the red bump to make sure that later on, it does not scar your face.
Remove Freckles From Face

Image: 123rf
There are many home remedies to help you get rid of freckles. But as with most other things, prevention is better than cure. So ensure that you wear sunscreen that is high on SPF and has a PA+++ component in it.

Image: Pexels
Certain DIY's that you can try at home to remove the spots from your face are applying buttermilk, yoghurt and onion. You can use buttermilk or yoghurt directly on your skin, leave it for ten minutes and then wash your face with warm water. Both of these contain lactic acid that can help lighten the freckles. If you are using onion, try to use a slice of raw onion on your face. An onion will help you exfoliate the skin and will lighten your freckles.
Topical Retinoid creams are also available to help lighten freckles on your face. However, before using it, we would recommend you to visit a dermatologist.
Tip: If the freckles persist on face post this, you can visit a dermatologist who can give you a laser therapy to help you with your freckles.
Spots Due To Age

Image: 123rf
The best way to get rid of age spots is by applying medicated creams or making your skin go under laser or dermabrasion. However, if you are looking at trying to get rid of the spots with some natural remedies, then potato and cucumber are the magical ingredients in your kitchen to help you get rid of the spots.

Image: Pexels
Potato has a host of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin B6, zinc, phosphorus and potassium, all work towards rejuvenating the collagen in your skin. The best part about the potato is that you can use it on your skin every day! Just cut the potato in thin slices and place them on the affected area for ten minutes before rinsing it.

Image: Pixabay
Similarly, cucumber also has antioxidants and multivitamins and can be used for dark circles and acne scars as well. Cut the cucumber in thin slices, and leave it on the affected area for 20 minutes before washing it.
Tip: An oatmeal scrub is excellent for exfoliation and clearing away dead skin cells along with reducing the appearance of age spots. Mix oatmeal with honey and milk and leave it on your face till it dries.
Spots Due To Melasma

Image: 123rf
It's essential to know the causes of Melasma to remove spots from the face. If it is due to some chemicals in your makeup or moisturiser, you should immediately stop using those products. If it is due to pregnancy or birth control pills, then please speak to your gynaecologist about it. However, if the above three causes arent helping you remove spots from your face, then you should visit a dermatologist.
Tip: There are a couple of topical creams with hydroquinone, corticosteroids, and tretinoin ingredients that are readily available in the market that you can apply after speaking with your doctor.
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