Belly fat is the most unhealthy, stubborn fat. The AARP warns that people with belly fat are at a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers . That is why you must change your lifestyle and start exercising. Listed below are a few things you can start doing to reduce and manage belly fat.
Though women all over the world have been struggling to lose belly fat for decades, it is still one of the most difficult tasks when it comes to getting in shape. And even if you have already gotten yourself together and found the perfect training program, suddenly chocolate starts looking irresistible or your best friend brings you a cupcake for no reason
Do you put off working on your belly fat thinking that you will start the next day? Or soon? The ‘soon’ takes a long time to arrive, or doesn't arrive at all. Has it arrived for you yet? Think about it!
Though women all over the world have been struggling to lose belly fat for decades, it is still one of the most difficult tasks when it comes to getting in shape. And even if you have already gotten yourself together and found the perfect training program, suddenly chocolate starts looking irresistible or your best friend brings you a cupcake for no reason
Although fat can be found in almost any part of your body, the kind that attaches itself to your middle can be the toughest to shed. And, unfortunately, as women age, the midsection increasingly becomes fat's destination of choice. "When a woman reaches her 40s, excess fat is likely to accumulate around the abdomen," says Steven R. Smith, M.D., an obesity expert at Translational Research Institute for Metabolism and Diabetes in Orlando, Florida. "This belly fat is often just a redistribution of fat to the abdomen rather than a gain in total fat." So even an average-sized woman may be chagrined to discover that, as her estrogen levels decline during perimenopause, it’s a struggle bus to lose belly fat.
"By losing estrogen, you lose some of the normal contours of your body," explains Michael Roizen, M.D., chief wellness officer at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. "Instead of weight settling on your hips, it goes to your belly."
What Is Belly Fat?
Essentially, abdominal fat takes two major forms: subcutaneous fat (the visible kind just below the skin) and visceral fat (which is embedded deep within your abdomen and wraps around the organs clustered there). Though the first kind of fat is easier to see, the latter kind poses the far greater health risk—and as a result is more important in your overall quest to lose belly fat. Weirdly, this fat is not always evident. Even if you're not overweight, you still could be packing a lot of visceral fat.
Hidden or not, visceral fat does a real number on your health because of where it sits in the body. With fat, it's all about location, and each fat "depot" has a highly specialized function. "We used to think all fat was created equal, that it was just a storage bin for excess calories," says Elizabeth Ricanati, M.D., a consultant to the Wellness Institute at the Cleveland Clinic. "But that's not true."
Fat, like muscle, is now known to be metabolically active; it produces dozens of chemicals, including hormones that signal to the brain that someone is hungry or satisfied. "Indeed, we now think of fat tissue depots as endocrine organs," says diabetes researcher Philipp Scherer, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas.
In other words, fat releases hormones that vary depending on where the fat is located. You may not be a big fan of the size of your thighs, but research suggests that the hormones produced there provide a health benefit. "We don't know all the details, but it is clear that the fat in the hips, and particularly in the thighs, protects against some of the health consequences of obesity, such as diabetes, by producing substances that increase insulin sensitivity," says Dr. Smith. Visceral fat, on the other hand, is known to produce inflammatory agents that can, over time, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and breast and colorectal cancers.
The Best Diet Plan to Lose Belly Fat
So are belly fat and its attendant health problems inescapable side effects of aging? The answer is a qualified no. "It's never too late to lose belly fat," says Jackie Keller, author of Body After Baby. "But there's no easy fix." However, while, sure there are some health risks associated with belly fat, there is a large problem with the way society is talking about belly fat in general, Natalie Rizzo, M.S., R.D. previously told Shape.
The best way to lose belly fat is and to shrink fat cells overall is to lose weight. But make no mistake: belly fat is not easy to get rid of. Start by figuring out your current daily calorie intake. Then cut that number by one quarter. Researchers from Columbia University found that simply reducing daily calories (without adding exercise) can shrink fat cells by up to 18 percent, particularly those in subcutaneous fat. Health bonus? Fat shrinkage also improves the body's ability to use insulin, thereby guarding against diabetes.
Beyond counting calories, you can try the following strategies on how to lose belly fat and weight all at once.
- Balance the power. An ideal fat-burning meal plan includes 30 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates, and 30 percent fat. Research has found that dieters who stuck to these ratios lose about 22 percent more belly fat after four months, and 38 percent more after a year, than those who follow a low-fat diet. Turn up the volume. Foods containing a lot of water and fiber (salads, vegetables, fresh or dried fruits, and whole-grain breads or pasta) expand in your stomach and make you feel full faster with fewer calories. (This is exactly the premise behind the volumetrics diet, BTW.)
- Stack the snacks. Eat small portions of healthy snacks three times a day. In research from Georgia State University, athletes who followed this pattern burned more fat and calories than those who waited for long periods to eat.
- Go green. Research has found that women who drink about five cups of a beverage containing green tea each day, and include exercise in their routines, lose more belly fat than those who merely exercise. In addition to losing one inch around the waist, the tea drinkers decreased subcutaneous fat by 6 percent and visceral fat by 9 percent within 12 weeks. Researchers attributed the loss to catechin, an antioxidant in green tea.
- Fight fat with fat. It sounds counterintuitive, but a growing body of research suggests that a diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (popularly dubbed MUFAs) keeps belly fat at bay. Among the most common foods containing MUFAs are olives, nuts, avocados, and the oils from these foods.
The Best Exercise Plan to Lose Belly Fat
Diet, of course, is only part of the answer on how to lose belly fat. Exercise, and the right type of it, is crucial to boosting your metabolism and shrinking both subcutaneous and visceral fat cells. If you're not working out regularly, now is the time to start, using these guidelines:
- Get off the couch. Going for a brisk 45-minute walk five times a week not only helps you lose flab but also has been shown to reduce the disease-causing inflammation in visceral fat. You should aim for a pace of three to four miles per hour. (Or try these effective walking workouts to lose belly fat!) Don't have that much time available all at once? According to trainers and other fitness experts, bouts of exercise as short as one minute each can still benefit your belly—as long as you log a minimum of 30 minutes of physical activity a day.
- Raise your rate. Increasing your heart rate to 80 percent of its maximum for 40 minutes can speed up your metabolism for 19 hours, scientists have discovered. To calculate this target heart rate, subtract your age from 220, then multiply by .80.
- Up the ante. Want even quicker results? Try an interval workout that alternates high- and low-intensity exercise. The powerful bursts of energy use more fat as fuel and the rest periods in between allow your body to flush out waste products from muscles. Bonus: High-intensity interval training may suppress the hunger hormone ghrelin.
- Join the resistance. Why? Resistance training builds muscle, and more muscle means a faster metabolism. Aim to strength-train for at least 30 minutes two to three times a week and switch up lower- and upper-body exercises. Tip: Experts say that you lose more belly fat by lifting weights before your cardio workout.
The Best At-Home Workout Moves to Lose Belly Fat
File this under “best lose belly fat news ever:” You need not crunch to get the most effective abs workout. "Crunches work only the muscles on the front and sides of your abdomen, but it's important to target all the muscles of the core to get more defined abs—including lower back, hips, and upper thighs," says Lou Schuler, co-author of The New Rules of Lifting for Abs.
To lose belly fat and uncover amazing abs, Schuler recommends a series of core stabilization exercises based on a training program devised by co-author and personal trainer Alwyn Cosgrove. "Core exercises like the plank help train muscles to stabilize the spine and pelvis so you can avoid back pain and improve posture, Schuler says. "Planks also burn more calories than crunches because they work more muscles."
Trade crunches for these three super-effective plank exercises from The New Rules of Lifting for Abs and you’ll be on your way to a stronger core and flatter stomach.
Do you put off working on your belly fat thinking that you will start the next day? Or soon? The ‘soon’ takes a long time to arrive, or doesn't arrive at all. Has it arrived for you yet? Think about it!

Do you want to fit into that gorgeous dress you spent all your savings on for the festive season? Then now is the time to be serious and start doing some exercises to reduce belly fat! With the festive season around, now is the time now than ever to try losing that extra layer! It’s not just about the way you look, it is also about being healthy. Undoubtedly you need a little bit of a lifestyle change to lose the flab around your tummy, and incorporating the precise exercises to tackle it is a necessary step. Yes, your routine exercises will help with overall fitness, but if you want to attack the belly fat, we have just the exercises for you!

This is one of the best ways to tackle that little extra fat around the tummy. Experts say that it occupies the top rank among the fat burning exercises and you must include these in your set of exercises.
How: Lie down flat on a yoga mat. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the ground. Your feet need to be hip-width apart. You then have to lift your hands and take them behind your head, with your head on your palms or your thumbs behind your ears. Don’t interlock your fingers. Now, inhale deeply in this position. Slowly lift your upper torso off the floor, exhaling at the time. Lift your torso as much as you can without changing the position of any other body part, and then go back to the lying position, inhaling when going back down. You can exhale when you lift your torso again. Try to maintain a three-inch distance between your chest and chin so you don’t strain your neck. The focus should be on the belly, not merely the lift.
Beginners should try to do 10 crunches per set, and do at least two or three sets in a day.
Tip: You can also do these with your hand crossed over your chest.
Twist Crunches

The regular crunch has several variations, all of which help in specifically designed to reduce belly fat. You need to take a couple of weeks to get familiar with the basic crunches and then move on to other variations which are more effective. The first one among these is the twist crunch.
How: You have to lie on your back on a hard surface (mat on the floor) and bend your legs with your feet flat on the ground. The position of your hands is similar to the crunches, under your head. Now comes the difference, instead of lifting your torso, lift your right shoulder towards your left, limiting the movement of the left shoulder. Repeat the action on the opposite side—lifting your left shoulder over your right. This is one complete round. Again, for beginners, a total of 10 crunches per set is effective, and try to accomplish at least two to three sets.
Tip: Use only your abdomen and hips to lift you up for a better stretch on the tummy.
Side Crunches

One of the other variations of the crunch that helps lose the flab around the belly, the side crunch focuses more on the side muscles.
How: Set yourself up for a twist crunch, all parts of the body in the same position as the twist crunch. Then, when doing the crunch, tilt your legs on the same side as your shoulders. Beginners should aim for two to three sets of side crunches, with 10 repetitions in each set.
Tip: Have a focal point to look at when doing the crunches so you maintain the distance between your chin and chest.
Reverse Crunches

The reverse crunch is used on the transverse abdominals, which is the deepest muscle in the stomach. It is one of the most effective moves to lose lower belly fat, especially for women. You can progress to reverse crunches after a few weeks of getting comfortable with the other variations.
How: Lie down in the position for a crunch, and before doing the crunch, lift your legs in the air—your heels can be up in the air or at your buttocks. Exhale as you lift your torso, and bring your thighs to your chest. Ensure your chin is off your chest. You can also bring your nose to your knees.
Tip: You can cross your ankles if you want when lifting your legs up.
Lunge Twist

This is a workout for beginners who want to reduce belly fat quickly. It is also a great lower body exercise and strengthens your core. You can also use this as a warm-up exercise to get blood flow to many muscles at one time.
How: You need to stand with your legs a hip-width apart. Your knees should be slightly bent. Now, left both your hands in front of you, making sure they are aligned with your shoulders and keeping them parallel to the ground. Get into a lunge position with your left foot forward. Now, twist your upper body to the left with your torso. Next, try to reach your outstretched arms across your left side. Think of pointing to the left from your belly button. Slowly move your arms to the centre and step forward with the opposite foot and twist to the other side. You can use 10 steps for each set and do two sets at the beginner level.
Tip: Once you build tolerance with this exercise, you can perform it with holding a weight (like a medicine ball) in your hands.
The Stomach Vacuum

The stomach vacuum exercise is a low-impact one, and places greater emphasis on your breath rather than increasing your heart rate. It is a great technique for losing belly fat and is used in a variety of training routines. It works powerfully to train abdomen muscles and improving posture.
How: It is effectively a stretch pose. To do a stomach vacuum, stand upright on the floor, and place your hands on your hips. Now, exhale all the air out, as much as you can. Effectively, you should feel there is no air in your lungs. Then, expand your chest, and take your stomach in as much as possible and hold. Try to think what you would do if you wanted your navel to touch your backbone, and do the movement. Try to hold for 20 seconds if you are a beginner, and then release. That is one contraction. Repeat 10 times for one set.
What to avoid: This exercise has to be done on an empty stomach, otherwise, it will lead to digestive issues. If you are suffering from any heart or lung issues, then you might want to skip this one.
Which routine exercises will help in losing belly fat?

A few cardio exercises help burn calories and melt unwanted fat, but it will be for the entire body. You opt for walking, running, or jogging. Walking at a brisk pace for about 30-45 minutes four to five days every week or more will work. Once you gain some lung strength, you can progress to jogging at a steady pace for the same amount of time, and finally incorporate a few minutes of running within your routine.
What if I am not able to pull my torso up a lot when doing crunches?
This is a problem for all beginners, and it is nothing to worry about. If you can’t come up fully when you start exercising, you pull yourself up as much as you can. Gradually, with regular exercise, you will achieve much better movement with far more ease. Just be at it, don’t give up!
Is swimming a good exercise to get rid of belly fat?

Swimming is also a type of cardio exercise which is extremely good for the body. It helps you burn calories, lose weight and tone your body! Although swimming is a great way to burn calories, you need to incorporate some form of crunches and other specific exercises in your weekly routine to specifically target belly fat.
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