Top 16 Things Mentally Strong People Do Every Day - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Friday 15 May 2020

Top 16 Things Mentally Strong People Do Every Day

People aren't born with physical strength and no one is blessed with incredible mental strength at birth, either. Mental strength is developed over time by individuals who choose to make personal development a priority.Mental strength is something that I currently find extremely interesting.

  • hey move on. They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves.
  • They keep control. They don't give away their power.
  • They embrace change. They welcome challenges.
  • They stay happy. They don't complain. They don't waste energy on things they can't control.
  • They are kind, fair, and unafraid to speak up. They don't worry about pleasing other people.
  • They are willing to take calculated risks. They weigh the risks and benefits before taking action.
  • They invest their energy in the present. They don't dwell on the past.
  • They accept full responsibility for their past behavior. They don't make the same mistake over and over.
  • They celebrate other people's success. They don't resent that success.
  • They are willing to fail. They don't give up after failing. They see every failure as a chance to improve.
  • They enjoy their time alone. They don't fear being alone.
  • They are prepared to work and succeed on their own merits. They don't feel the world owes them anything.
  • They have staying power. They don't expect immediate results.
  • They evaluate their core beliefs and modify them as needed.
  • They expend their mental energy wisely. They don't spend time on unproductive thoughts.
  • They think productively. They replace negative thoughts with productive thoughts.
  • They tolerate discomfort. They accept their feelings without being controlled by them.

Here are eight things mentally strong people do every day to strengthen their mental muscles:

1. They Use Their Mental Energy Wisely

It’s easy to get distracted throughout the day by a variety of unimportant and unproductive tasks. Mentally strong people choose to use their time and energy carefully. They devote their efforts to the things that matter most so they can accomplish their goals.

2. They Reframe Negative Thoughts

Everyone has negative thoughts sometimes, but mentally strong people don't let those thoughts hold them back or drag them down. Instead, they respond to their pessimistic predictions and harsh criticisms with a more productive inner dialogue. They stay motivated to do their best by talking to themselves like a trusted friend or a helpful coach.

3. They monitor their emotions.

People often assume mentally strong people suppress their emotions, Morin says, but they are actually acutely aware of them.
“They monitor their emotions throughout the day and recognize how their feelings influence their thoughts and behaviors,” she says. “They know sometimes reaching their greatest potential requires them to behave contrary to how they feel.”

4. They practice realistic optimism.

Having a positive outlook all the time is impossible, and too much negativity is counterproductive.
Mentally strong people “understand that their thoughts aren’t always true, and they strive to reframe their negativity,” Morin says. “They replace exaggeratedly negative thoughts with a more realistic inner monologue.”

5. They Work Toward Established Goals

Mentally strong people establish clear personal and professional goals that give them meaning and purpose. They forgo immediate gratification by keeping their long-term goals in mind, and they view obstacles as challenges, rather than roadblocks to their success.
6.They solve problems.
To put it simply, “mentally strong people refuse to engage in unproductive activities,” Morin says. Instead of sitting there complaining about your bad day at work and wishing bad things wouldn’t happen, evaluate why something went wrong and fix it. Learn how to calculate risk and move forward from there, she says.

7.They Reflect on Their Progress

Mentally strong people reflect on their progress toward their goals every day. They set aside time to examine what they're doing well, and they humbly acknowledge areas that need improvement. They hold themselves accountable for mistakes and they constantly strive to grow better.

8. They Tolerate Discomfort for a Greater Purpose

While some people go to great lengths to avoid any type of distress, others endure pain simply to prove they're tough. Mentally strong people, however, tolerate discomfort when it serves a greater purpose. Whether they're exercising when they feel tired, or they're delivering a speech when they feel terrified, they use their pain to become better.

9. They Practice Gratitude

You can't be at your best if you're insisting you deserve better. Mentally strong people acknowledge that they already have everything they need. They recognize their good fortune and express gratitude for all things big and small.

10. They Balance Emotions with Logic

Mentally strong people know their feelings play a major role in their perceptions and behavior. They pay close attention to the ways their emotions could influence their judgment, and they carefully balance their emotions with logic so they can make the best possible decisions.

11. They Live According to Their Values

Although it may be tempting to measure your self-worth by comparing yourself to your competition, mentally strong people don’t fall prey to such distractions. They focus on living according to their values and doing their best, despite their circumstances. At the end of the day they don’t ask themselves, “Did I beat everyone else?” Instead, they ask, “Did I stay true to my values?”

12. They practice self-compassion.

Rather than beating themselves up for making mistakes, mentally strong people practice self-compassion and speak to themselves as they would speak to a good friend, Morin says.
“They respond to their inner critic as if they were standing up to the schoolyard bully,” she says. “They forgive themselves for mistakes and cheer themselves on as they work toward their goals.”

13. They set healthy boundaries.

One thing mentally strong people avoid is giving away their power. People give away their power when they lack physical and emotional boundaries, Morin says. They can establish healthy boundaries, however, by behaving assertively, she says.
“They accept full responsibility for how they think, feel, and behave,” she says, “and they refuse to let other people dictate whether they’re going to have a good day or a bad day.”

14. They manage their time wisely.

Mentally strong people describe time as a finite resource, Morin says. That’s why they try to use it in a meaningful way. “Rather than waste energy dwelling on the past or resenting other people for taking up their time, they focus on more productive activities,” she says.

15. They strive to fulfill their purpose.

Successfully fulfilling your purpose in life takes time. Mentally strong people understand this and focus on the big picture, keeping in mind that today’s choices impact their future.

16. They seek to grow stronger.

“Mentally strong people view everyday challenges as opportunities to grow stronger,” Morin says. Additionally, they never settle or consider themselves strong enough. There is always room for improvement.
“They know that just like physically strong people need to work out to stay in good shape, they need to keep working out their mental muscles to prevent atrophy,” she says.

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