Love conquers all. It breaks down barriers, moves mountains, crosses oceans and changes lives. There is nothing that love can’t overcome...except for snoring, which is the third most common cause of divorce in the United States and Great Britain.
For those who snore and those who share a bed with someone who snores, Psychology Today Article with the help of Bright Side has some tips and tricks you can try to overcome this irritating habit — and perhaps make help your long-suffering partner get a good night’s sleep!
1. Sleep on your side
When you sleep on your back, the base of your tongue and soft palate collapse to the back wall of your throat, which obstructs breathing and in turn causes those annoying snoring sounds. If you sleep on one side, it may help keep your throat open, and there is quite a big chance that the snoring will stop.

2. Try to lose some weight
This is similar to the previous point. If you’re overweight, your lungs and neck block your air intake, causing snoring. But this could be the least of your problems here, because being overweight also increases the chances of suffering from sleep apnea.

3. Blow your nose well before going to bed
Breathing through the mouth often causes snoring, so it’s a good idea to try and breathe through your nose. For this we recommend blowing your nose very well and, if necessary, use some nasal sprays to clear the airways before you go to bed. An additional upside of this is that the quality of your sleep will improve.
4. Use nose strips
If you or your partner snore because of nasal congestion, you can try using special nasal strips that lift and open your nasal passages, improve breathing, and help reduce and even eliminate snoring.
5. Cure your crooked septum, rhinitis or any other medical problem
If none of these snoring aids and remedies work for you, go to the doctor. A crooked septum, chronic sinusitis, cysts and other medical problems may be the reason why you snore, and your doctor can suggest how to treat them.

6. Block up your ears
If nothing works and your partner doesn’t agree to medical intervention, another option is to use earplugs to help you sleep. Just don’t use them every day as your ears need rest.
7. Natural remedies
There are a number of natural antihistamines, such as nettles, which may help cure snoring. Put a cup of dried nettle leaves in about two cups of boiling water for 10-15 minutes, and drink the tea before bedtime. Gargling mint tea before going to bed also helps to combat allergy.

8. Clean the house well
Allergies are one of the main causes of snoring, so it’s very important to clean your house often, especially your bedroom. Vacuum and wash your curtains, sheets and corners.
9. Watch your diet
Believe it or not, this has a lot to do with snoring. Avoid heavy meals and alcohol before bedtime. Alcohol relaxes throat muscles, making snoring more likely.

10. Sleep in a separate room from your partner
Sleeping in separate bedrooms may sound a bit extreme, but this is ultimately an effective way for both of you to get more hours of blessed sleep and guarantee that you’ll be active and radiant the next day. Another alternative is to sleep on opposite sides of the bed — one at the ’’head’’ and one at the ’’feet’’.
If nothing works, don’t despair. There’s always a chance that in time you’ll get used to the snoring sounds coming from your partner, and they might even help you get to sleep!
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