How To Make Your Life Better By It Starting Today - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Wednesday 20 May 2020

How To Make Your Life Better By It Starting Today

Life, living matter and, as such, matter that shows certain attributes that include responsiveness, growthmetabolismenergy transformation, and reproduction. Although a noun, as with other defined entities, the word life might be better cast as a verb to reflect its essential status as a process. Life comprises individuals, living beings, assignable to groups (taxa). Each individual is composed of one or more minimal living units, called cells, and is capable of transformation of carbon-based and other compounds (metabolism), growth, and participation in reproductive acts. 

  1. Be grateful for what you have. When you stop to remember what you have instead of worrying about what you may not be getting, it changes your perspective for the better.
  2. Start your day the night before. The most successful people I know end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep.
  3. Be ready to grow up. Adults have the ability to learn to delay gratification, but we also have a choice as to how to behave when things don’t go our way. If you remember to take the high road, you’ll end up where you want to be.
  4. Drop the attitude. If you think the world owes you a living, you might want to reevaluate your position. It is quite possible that, by feeling entitled, you are pushing away things and people you might like.
  5. Don’t ignore your emotions, but remember that feelings aren’t facts. Emotions need to be honored—they don’t have to be justified—but just because you have a feeling doesn’t mean that you are right.
  6. Watch out for negative thinking. Sometimes we get into negative feedback loops and don’t even know it. If thoughts of being helpless and hopeless continue to enter your mind, you might just need to take a nap or perhaps talk with someone who can help.
  7. Set up and stick to a routine. We are creatures of habit; and good habits, such as getting regular exercise, make us feel better. Maintaining good habits also helps us feel that we have some control over our lives. Just do it.
  8. Drop your resentments. We all have them. Whether they are toward our parents, partners, or peers, resentments take up too much psychic space to allow us to function properly. By choosing to drop them, you will make your life much lighter. But the hardest part is making the decision to let your resentments go.
  9. Know who you really are, and learn to honor yourself. We all fake it from time to time and once in a while, this can be a good thing, but never compromise your personal values and always strive to be your best self.
  10. Enjoy a part of every day. Look for those little bright moments that happen all the time but that we often fail to recognize. Make a point of seeing some good in every day, and you will change your life.

11. Start Your Mornings with a Glass of Lemon Water and a Coffee
Lemon water has been shown to have tremendous physical benefits for clearing internal toxins and creating an alkaline pH in your stomach.
Coffee has been shown to have countless cognitive and physical benefits and very few drawbacks.
Start your mornings with a glass of lemon water and one cup of coffee and I promise you will feel like a million bucks.
12. If a Relationship Isn’t Serving You Eliminate it Now
If you are in a friendship or relationship with a toxic person, cut them out now.
13. Focus on Building an Amazing Life. Not Just Making More Money
Life is about living, not about money.
Money is important but it’s only a small part of the picture.
Figure out what amount you need to be truly happy and then build a business or career that will allow you to have the lifestyle you want and the income you need.
Lifestyle comes first, money comes second.
14. Learn to Say “No”
People will take advantage of you and walk all over you if you let them.
As a rule of thumb if something isn’t a “Hell yes”, doesn’t make you a better person, or serve your highest purpose, just say no.
You don’t owe anyone anything so stop letting other people’s desires control your life.
15. Turn Your Car into a University on Wheels
Download podcasts and audiobooks and use your daily commute to learn and grow instead of listening to that stupid Taylor Swift song for the 1000th time.
16. Quit Watching Porn
Porn is incredibly detrimental to your overall quality of life, the health of your brain, and your sexual performance.
Stop satisfying your urges with pixelated fantasies and instead spend that time and energy building an amazing life in the real world.
17. Choose Yourself
The world you live in was created by men and women who were willing to answer the call and pursue dreams and passions of which they felt unworthy.
If there is a calling on your heart then go after it.
If not you… Then who?
18. Question Everything
Any idea worth holding is worth questioning.
Examine your current beliefs about life, god, reality, and success and ask yourself “Is this really the truth?”
You will often find that the majority of the beliefs you hold to be fact are simply your perception of reality.
Question everything until you have an empowering and reality-based set of beliefs.
19. Laugh Daily
I recommend that you spend at least 15 minutes watching, reading, or listening to something that makes you laugh.
Laughter truly is the best medicine and the happiest people I know have the best senses of humor.
Laugh daily and you’ll never regret it.
20. Write a To-Do List the Night Before
If you want to win your mornings, then start from a place of strength, knowing exactly what you want to accomplish that day.
Take 5 minutes everynight to write out a to do list and your productivity will skyrocket.
21. Measure Everything that You Value
As Peter Drucker said, “What gets measured gets managed”.
If you are not tracking your performance at work, in the gym, with your spouse, or in your personal education then how can you hope to optimize and manage your performance?
If you don’t know how you are doing now, then how can you optimize your life to do better later? You can’t.
If something is important to you, then track it. End of story.
22. Take Very Few Opinions
If you wouldn’t trade lives with someone then why would you take advice from them?
Stop taking advice from broke, unhappy people and instead listen to people who have the results that you want.
23. Find a Coach or Mentor Who Can Help You Accelerate Your Results
Just about everything that you want to do, someone else has already done.
Instead of trying to do things the hard way, learn from someone who has been thereso that you can shorten your learning curve and achieve your best life faster.
24. Remember that Success Takes Time
If you want to achieve anything worthwhile in your body, business, relationships, or life, then you must be patient.
Success happens by compounding small daily actions over time.

25. Achieve Mindfulness

I’m sure you’re so sick of hearing that you should “totally try meditation,” especially from your (recently) yoga-crazed mother. But mindfulness is a lot more realistic to achieve than the kind of meditation you hear about because it doesn’t require years of practice and a yoga mat. And, it only takes 30 minutes (or less!) sitting right at your desk.
Wanna give it a shot? Here’s exactly how to do it.

26. Develop a Consistent Morning Routine

Muse Career Coach Adrian J. Hopkins suggests that the key to having a productive day, and saving yourself time in the morning, is “breaking down every task into small steps, then scheduling everything by starting from the end of the day and working backward.” This means you know exactly what activity you’ll do when from the moment you wake up.
Sounds a bit overwhelming, yes, but the reason it works is because you don’t waste any time trying to decide on things—spending 10 minutes picking out an outfit, spending 15 minutes deciding if you want to go on a run. This way, you limit yourself to small minute increments so that you’ll always be out the house exactly on time.

27. Develop a Consistent Bedtime Routine

A happy, healthy morning starts with a killer bedtime routine. There’s no perfect answer for making your own, but the important thing is to make one and stick to it.
For example, every evening I shower, make my lunch for the next day, and spend 10 or so minutes doing something that relaxes me in bed, whether that’s scrolling through social media, reading 15 pages of a book, or talking to my parents on the phone. It’s not always like this, but the consistency helps me fall asleep better and feel prepared to conquer the day ahead.
Muse writer Kat Moon has five great bedtime routines you should definitely try—each will only take you five minutes.

28. Re-Do Your Bedroom for a Better Night’s Sleep

Especially when you’re busy or stressed, it can be hard to get your best sleep every night, even with an awesome routine. Instead, try creating a space where you’ll always feel good going to bed by trying out these seven quick DIY projects.

29. Find an Energizing Midday Activity That’s Good for You

You probably saw it coming, but just as important as setting a schedule for your mornings and evenings is also having an activity that is guaranteed to bring you out of the worst midday slumps.
Muse writer Lily Herman suggests developing these five habits, or, if you’re a coffee addict, consider these better alternatives to help you recharge.

30. Make Your Lunch (and Dinner)

Making your meals every day not only guarantees you have control over your health, but it’s also cheaper and a great way to learn a new skill or experiment with your cooking abilities.
Plus, you get to boast to co-workers when they ask where you got the food. And for some brag-worthy recipes, check out these 52 lunches, or, for the lazy, these quick office snack ideas.

31. Then Eat it Away From Your Desk

Muse writer Kat Boogaard learned many valuable lessons after bravely eating lunch away from her desk. For one thing, taking a break is just good for you. But, she also realized the importance of practicing work-life balance all day, rather than just after work was over. By giving yourself that time off during office hours, you’re already one step closer to a healthier, well-balanced life.

32. Watch a TED Talk

TED Talks are like a mini-lecture. They just might teach you more about yourself, or inspire you to innovate and carry out that dream you’ve always thought about. Plus, they’re only about 20 minutes—watch one while getting ready for work in the morning, or during your lunch break, or when you’re sitting in a waiting room for a super-quick knowledge boost.

33. Listen to a Podcast

Similarly, podcasts are a great on-the-go news source. And a lot of the time they’re just what you need to unwind without completely wasting away in front of the TV (not that I have anything against relaxing that way). I’m a big fan of tackling one podcast during my commute—half of it on the way to work, half on the way back, and the stories always bring out some real emotions. (For reference, my favorites are This American Life and You’re the Expert.)

34. Do a Bunch of Little Productive Tasks

I challenge you to set aside 30 minutes and do all those nitty-gritty tasks you’ve been meaning to do, all at once. First, this prevents you from multitasking later on when emails are rushing in while you’re trying to do your work. Second, it forces you to tackle those things that make you cringe—things that, once they’re done, will make your life a heck of a lot easier.
Not sure what chores I mean? I’ll help you out—here’s a to-do list of 21 useful things you can do in five minutes, then, if those don’t do it for you, here are nine other productive things you can complete in 15 minutes.

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