9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact - PsychologyTodayArticles

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Friday 1 February 2019

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact

We all have that one friend who always tries to avoid hugs or kisses. You might even be that person. Others consider this behavior strange because they don’t know what a person who doesn’t like to be touched goes through.
Psychology Today Articles with the help of Bright Side collected some typical cases that this type of person might find difficult.

1. Other people’s children

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
Children are the flowers of our lives...as long as we can admire them from a distance. We love other people’s children, but we don’t think that hugging them is necessary to show our love. We only hug our own children.

2. Summer

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
Summer has one big disadvantage: the sweaty bodies of other people are all around us, and they always seem to stick to us. Wearing open summer clothes and not touching a seat or a stranger with our skin is almost impossible.

3. Hugs without a reason...

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
It’s hard to understand why we need these hugs when meeting or saying goodbye. We haven’t just returned from a war after all.

4. ...and with a reason

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
It’s a terribly awkward situation when someone who is practically a stranger is trying to hug us. Moreover, our behavior might be perceived as coldness, and that can be awkward or embarrassing.

5. Massage

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
It seems incredible when we see other people regularly visiting massage parlors. Moreover, they are happy when they get a gift card for a course of massage where their bodies will be touched by a complete stranger. THEIR WHOLE body. That’s unnatural.

6. Swimming pools

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
A swimming pool is a soup with people. The moment when our face will be washed with the same water that has just washed the feet of some stranger will be the last in our life.

7. New relationships

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
We need some time to get used to having a new person in our life. It will not happen instantly. But once it happens, we will give you all the tenderness that we have inside.

8. An old friend

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
Try not to touch us when speaking. Please keep all those friendly touches and shoulder slappings to yourself. We can be attentive listeners without all those things.

9. And the main thing

9 Ordinary Things That Cause Disgust in People Who Don’t Like Physical Contact
If we hug you regularly, it means that you are one of the most important and loved people in our life.
Now you can hopefully understand what a cat being caught and squeezed every now and then feels like. Don’t do it. Respect personal space...and cats.

Source: Brightside.me

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